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Never Miss aSubscription RenewalAgain🔔

Effortlessly track, manage, and control your subscriptions with SubTracker, keeping you informed about all your recurring expenses

Manage Your Subscriptions Effortlessly

SubTracker offers a comprehensive set of tools to help you stay on top of your subscriptions and save money.

Smart Subscription Tracking

Effortlessly monitor all your subscriptions, including trial periods and short-term plans.

  • Centralized dashboard for all subscriptions
  • Track 7-day trial periods and 1-month subscriptions
  • Automatic categorization of subscriptions

Insightful Analytics

Gain valuable insights into your spending habits with detailed charts and reports.

  • Monthly and yearly spending breakdowns
  • Category-wise expense analysis

Smart Notifications

Receive timely alerts through Google Calendar and Email before subscription deadlines.

  • Subscriptions synced with Google Calendar for tracking
  • Email reminders sent a day before deadlines

Responsive Design

Access SubTracker seamlessly across all your devices with our responsive web application.

  • Optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile
  • Consistent experience across all devices